Wednesday, December 31, 2008
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9:52 PM
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
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6:13 PM
Labels: art
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Now the vision that begins to manifest in the void is the image of mud which represents the earth merging into water. The image of smoke which represents water merging into fire. The image of sparks which represents fire merging into the wind. The image of a candle flame which represents the wind merging into consciousness. The image of a moonlit sky which represents consciousness merging into luminance. The image of the sunlit sky which represents luminance merging into radiance. The image of the night sky which represents radiance merging into imminence. The image of the predawn twilight sky which represents imminence merging into the perfect clear light.
Hey, immortal one, you who was called ______! In the death-point consciousness between, the reality clear light manifested. But unfortunately, you did not recognize it, so you arrived here. Now the spiritual reality consciousness between and the existence consciousness between will manifest for you. As I describe them, you must make every effort to recognize them without fail.
At this time when your spirit and body have parted ways, pure reality manifests in subtle, dazzling visions, vividly experienced, naturally frightening and worrisome, shimmering like a mirage on the desert. Do not fear them! Do not be terrified! Do not panic! You now have what is call an "instinctual spiritual body," not a material, flesh and blood body. Thus whatever sounds, lights, and rays may come at you, they cannot harm you. You cannot die. It is enough for you to recognize these experiences as a manifestation of your own mind.
At the same time the soft smokey light of the hells shines before you along with the wisdom light. At that time, under the influence of hate you panic, terrified by that brilliant white light, and you attempt to flee from it. You feel a liking for that soft smokey light of the hells and you approach it. But now you must fearlessly recognize that brilliant white, piercing, dazzling clear light as wisdom. Be gladdened by it with faith and reverence! Pray, and increase your love for it, thinking, "It is the light of the compassion of Lord Vajrasattva! I take refuge in it!"
It is Lord Vajrasattva's shining upon you to escort you through the terrors of the between. It is the guiding beam of the light of compassion of Vajrasattva - have faith in it! Do not be enticed by that soft smoky light of hell! Hey! That is the path of destruction from the confusion you have accumulated by your strong hatred!
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8:30 AM
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
I admire those old root fences which have almost entirely disappeared from tidy fields, - white pine roots got out when the neighboring meadow was a swamp, - the monuments of many a revolution. These roots have not penetrated into the ground, but spread over the surface, and, having been cut off four or five feet from the stump, were hauled off and set up on their edges for a fence. The roots are not merely interwoven, but grown together into solid frames, full of loopholes like Gothic windows of various sizes and all shapes, triangular and oval and harp-like, and the slenderer parts are dry and resonant like harp-strings. They are rough and unapproachable, with a hundred snags and horns which bewilder and balk the calculation of the walker who would surmount them. The part of the trees above ground presents no such fantastic forms. Here is one seven paces, or more than a rod, long, six feet high in the middle, and yet only one foot thick, and two men could turn it up, and in this case the roots were six or nine inches thick at the extremities. The roots of pines growing in swamps grow thus in the form of solid frames or rackets, and those of different trees are interwoven with all so that they stand on a very broad foot and stand or fall together to some extent before the blasts, as herds meet the assault of beasts of prey with serried front. You have thus only to dig into the swamp a little way to find your fence, - post, rails, and slats already solidly grown together and of material more durable than any timber. How pleasing a thought that a field should be fenced with the roots of the trees got out in clearing the land a century before!
Henry David Thoreau's daily journal delivered daily
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7:39 PM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
John Thomas Serres 1759-1825
The Amazon Entering the Harbor of St. Lucia; The Amazon in a Hurricain; The Amazon shipwrecked
three, all oil on canvas
29 x 43" (3)
Posted by
8:09 AM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Jacob van Walscapelle (1644-1727)
A still life of flowers and a branch of peaches in a sculpted vase, standing on a ledge
oil on canvas
21.375 x 18"
Posted by
8:33 PM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Peter Coffin
Untitled (Designs for Colby Poster Company), 2008
80 Posters,
letterpress ink on cardstock
Courtesy of Andrew Kreps Gallery
thanks to Reference Library
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7:00 PM
Labels: art